The sap has spectacular red color... Found throughout Ecuador/Peru/Venezuela/Brazil...
Here's a photo of Amanda modeling with some in Ecuador :)
Here's a link to a Suite101 article I wrote on Taspine
Here's a link to a downloadable zip file of full articles I found on Sangre de Grado...
Here's a link to a nice full article on it:
Gupta, D., B. Bleakley, and R.K. Gupta. “Dragon’s Blood: Botany, Chemistry and Therapeutic Uses.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 115, no. 3 (2008): 361–380.
Video on harvesting...
Taspine (Alkaloid associated with wound healing!)
Here's a link to a Suite101 brief I wrote on Taspine!
Pieters, L., QR Yang, M. Claeys, D. Vanden Berghe, and A. Vlietinck. “Biological Activities of 3’, 4-0-dimethylcedrusin and Taspine: Two New Constituents from Sangre De Drago Pl.” Med 57 (1991): A12–A13.
Desmarchelier, C., F.W. Schaus, J. Coussio, and G. Cicca. “Effects of Sangre De Drago from< I> Croton Lechleri Muell.-Arg. on the Production of Active Oxygen Radicals.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 58, no. 2 (1997): 103–108.
Milanowski, Dennis J., Rudolph E. K. Winter, Memory P. F. Elvin-Lewis, and Walter H. Lewis. “Geographic Distribution of Three Alkaloid Chemotypes of Croton Lechleri.” J. Nat. Prod. 65, no. 6 (2002): 814–819.
“Immunomodulatory Activity and Chemical Characterisation of Sangre De Drago (Dragon’s Blood) from Croton Lechleri.” Planta Medica 69, no. 9 (September 2003): 785–794.
Risco, E., F. Ghia, R. Vila, J. Iglesias, E. Alvarez, and S. Canigueral. “Immunomodulatory Activity and Chemical Characterisation of Sangre De Drago (dragon’s Blood) from Croton Lechleri.” Planta Medica-Natural Products and Medicinal Plant Research 69, no. 9 (2003): 785–794.
Castro, DM, and EN Meza. “Morphoanatomical Study of Croton Lechleri Muell. Arg.(Crotonae, Euphorbiaceae).” Unfoldment of Our Biocultural Diversity:“Sangre De Grado” and the Challenge of Its Sustainable Production in Peru. Lima, Peru: Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos Fondo Editorial (1999): 77–94.
Williams, J.E. “Review of Antiviral and Immunomodulating Properties of Plants of the Peruvian Rainforest with a Particular Emphasis on Una De Gato and Sangre De Grado.” Alternative Medicine Review: a Journal of Clinical Therapeutic 6, no. 6 (2001): 567.
Jones, K. “Review of Sangre De Drago (Croton lechleri)-A South American Tree Sap in the Treatment of Diarrhea, Inflammation, Insect Bites, Viral Infections, and Wounds: Traditional Uses to Clinical Research.” The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 9, no. 6 (2003): 877–896.
Alexiades, MN. “Sangre De Drago (croton Lechleri) Pp 136-155 in Shanley, P.” Pierce, A. Laird, SA Guillen, A (eds) Tapping the Green Maket: Certification and Management of Non-timber Forest Products. Earthscan, London (2002).
Sandoval, M., N.N. Okuhama, M. Clark, F.M. Angeles, J. Lao, S. Bustamante, and M.J.S. Miller. “Sangre De Grado< I> Croton Palanostigma Induces Apoptosis in Human Gastrointestinal Cancer Cells.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 80, no. 2 (2002): 121–129.
Vaisberg, A.J., M. Milla, MC Planas, J.L. Córdova, ER Agusti, R. Ferreira, MC Nustiga, L. Carlin, and GB Hammon. “Taspine Is the Cicatrizant Principle in Sangre De Grado Extracted from Croton Lechleri.” Planta Med 55, no. 2 (1989): 140–3.
I'll add some more soon!
Wow. I think big pharma is trying to keep people from learning about these old-time treatments. There are so many times I've just stopped prescription meds (after explaining my reasons to my doc) because I'd rather die from the disease than live with the Tx. I wonder if something like this might help me.