Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thyroid Issues -Part I

Folks, sick thyroids are everywhere!
We'll explore why and the different flavors later.

Working with the thyroid is tricky since there are physical signs and symptoms AND lab work.  
Sometimes the lab results look normal while the patient is obviously experiencing a thyroid challenge.
Conventional docs are prone to just look at the lab results and avoid a thyroid diagnosis if those are in normal range... 

Here are some basic statistics:

Pathology link  (Merck Manual)

  • 27,000,000 people in the US and 200 million woldwide have a Thyroid Disorder.
  • Of the 27 million people above about half are undiagnosed.
  • 37,000 new cases of Graves' Diseased are diagnosed each year in the US.
  • 80% of all cases of Graves' Disease are diagnosed in females.
  • 20% of Thyroid Storm cases end in death.
  • 80% of all Thyroid Disease cases are diagnosed as Hypothyroidism and 20% Hyperthyroidism.
  • Females are fives times more likely to develop a hypothyroid disease condition over males.
  • 20% of people with Diabetes will experience an onset of a thyroid disorder.
  • 50% of children with parents having a thyroid disorder may develop a thyroid disorder themselves by age 40.
Here's a link to the CDC site on thyroid issues...  -More directed towards radiation but good info!

File:Thyroid system.png

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